Stay in love with the Man
Stay in love with the Message
Stay in love with the Mission

Urgent – LBC Mission Project
Everyone is heartbroken at what Western NC is having to endure. LBC has adopted Pine Branch Baptist Church in Bakersville, NC. Preacher Teddy and Saundra are friends with the pastor, Bruce and Wendy Cannon. Their church is a distribution site for items that have been donated. In lieu of physical items at the current time, they have requested financial donations to purchase kerosene heaters, gas stoves, and fuel for both for many community members who are without heat and power, and have been told it may be January before they have these. Preacher Bruce has been in touch with Lowes and Home Depot who are selling kerosene heaters at cost. Our financial donations will be used to purchase what the community members need. There are Mission Envelopes in the pews at church if you would like to donate. Each week we will send a check to Preacher Bruce to purchase more of what his community members are in need of. The needs change week to week, day to day, hour to hour. If you would like to mail a check to us to get to them, our address is Lilesville Baptist Church, PO Box 305, Lilesville, NC 28091.

Photo Credit: Lori Ingram

An Amazing Jr Youth Group
Younger youth passed out detergent with encouraging messages at the laundromat for Serve Anson.

LBC’s Awesome Children
Our children packed care bags for Western NC and celebrated the beginning of “Fun”tober!

A Very Active Youth Group
The LBC Youth Group at their Fall Retreat at Caswell

Children’s Church
We will be returning to our pre-Covid age group for our Children’s Church. Children’s Church will be for ages 2 through 3rd grade. Please see Monica for more information.

“LBC Bowl”
The annual LBC Bowl will be played Sunday, February 9th on the front lawn of the church.
The game will start at 4:00pm.
Snacks and Fellowship will follow at 5:00pm.
Let’s go Team LBC!
There will be no evening services after the game.

Family Night
Family Night will be Wednesday, February 12th, at 6:00pm.

Helping Hands and Willing Hearts
Helping Hands and Willing Hearts will be helping with a Street Ministry, Saturday, February 15th.

Baptist Women’s Day
Baptist Women’s Day will be February 16th at 11:00am.
There will be a Churchwide Breakfast and Women’s Devotion at 9:00am.
Rhonda Sessions will be the guest speaker.

Monthly Business Meeting
Our February Business Meeting will be Sunday, February 16th at 5:30pm.
Kyle Eudy will meet with Smith Cannon Committee at 5:00pm.

Circle of Friends/Ladies Night
Circle of Friends, aka Ladies Night, will be Thursday, Feb 27th, at 6:00pm. Bring your favorite dish!

2025 VBS
Planning has started for 2025 VBS! See JF or Kourtnie to let them know where you would like to serve!
June 8-12

Homecoming Committee Project
The Homecoming Committee is working on a special presentation for next year. They will need pictures from church events from this upcoming church year (2024-2025). It can be ordinary church events or extraordinary trips or happenings. Please text pictures to Lori Ingram at 704-695-6707 or email

Church Library
The College and Career Class has started a small library. Books are checked out on the honor system that they will be returned in a timely fashion. Please stop by and see what books they have to offer.

Wednesday Bible Studies
Wednesday, February 5th, our Bible Study will be held at Wadesboro Health & Rehab at 6:15p
Wednesday, February 19th, our Bible Study will be held at Meadowview Assisted Living at 6:15pm.

MeMa’s Meals Devotions
As we deliver meals, now known as “MeMa’s Meals”, we would like to give out prescription bottles that are filled with Bible verses and other encouraging phrases. These will be labeled as “Take as Needed for a Little Lift”. Please donate pill bottles, or encouraging verses/phrases on the teacher’s desk in Peggy Gatewood’s classroom.

WMU Reminders
WMU will be collecting canned corn for the Crisis Ministry the month of February.

Madison Cranford
Anson High School
Future Plans: Attend a two-year school to major in Agriculture

Graham Fowler
Anson High School
Future Plans: Attend RCC and major in Plumbing

Jackson Harrington
Anson High School
Future Plans: SPCC then transfer to UNC-Charlotte and major in Finance

Eli Campbell
Wingate University
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Future Plans: Attend East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine in the fall

John Ingram
Sandhills Community College
Associates in Geomatics Technology

Sam Ingram
Sandhills Community College
Associates in Geomatics Technology

Brandon Lear
Richmond Community College
Associate in Applied Science
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice Technology
General Instructor School

Mayci McCollum
South Piedmont Community College
Associates in Arts
Future Plans: Major in Early Childhood Education

Abigail Wright
Liberty University
Bachelor of Science in Religious Studies: Theology and Apologetics
Summa Cum Laude
Future Plans: Attend Graduate School in the fall at Liberty University for a Master’s Degree in Religion to become a Religion professor.

LBC Bible Learners
Congratulations to the LBC Bible Learners – Ronnie, Caleb, and CJ. They each stood before the church and recited the books of the Old Testament! They are preparing to join the Bible Drill team.

2024 LBC Bible Drill Team
Congratulations to another successful LBC Bible Drill. These students competed in five different rounds in attempt to advance to the Regional Drill in Pembroke April 13th. We are so proud of each of you!
Mason, Lyndee, Leighla, Matt, Luke, and Branson

Operation Christmas Child
Boxes to fill or a canister for monetary donations are at the entrance to the fellowship hall.
For more information see Mark Ashby
Helping Hands & Willing Hearts
Once a month Outreach Ministry in Rockingham, NC. We need donations of clothes, shoes, etc.
For more information see Helen McGoughan

Welcome to the website of Lilesville Baptist Church. We are a conservative Southern Baptist Church dedicated to sharing the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to glorify God through the preaching and teaching of His Word.
It is our desire to magnify the Lord and equip our members for the ministry as we:
SEEK to grow in His Word,
SHARE it with the lost and
SHOW the love of God as we minister in His name.
As a church family you will find us to be very loving and friendly towards all who come and worship with us.
We have a variety of ministries and here you will find a place to learn more about Christ.
“Striving together for the faith of the Gospel”….Philippians 1:27
Online Giving Form

Weekly Services
9:00 – 9:45 am – Breakfast (Fellowship Hall)
9:45 – 10:45 am – Sunday School
11:00 am – Worship Service
5:30 pm – Bible Drill
5:30 pm – Evening Worship
6:15 pm – Adult Choir Practice
7:00 pm – Praise Team Practice
Wednesday (1st of each month):
6:15pm – Nursing Home Ministry at Wadesboro Health & Rehab
6:30 – Team Kids
7:00 pm – Youth
Wednesday (2nd of each month):
6:00 pm – Monthly Family Meal
6:30 pm – Team Kids
6:45 pm – Mission Study Groups – Embrace, WMU, and Brotherhood
7:00 pm – Youth
Wednesday (3rd of each month):
6:15pm – Nursing Home Ministry at Meadowview Assisted Living
6:30 – Team Kids
7:00 pm – Youth
Wednesdays (4th of each month):
6:30 – 8:00 pm – TeamKIDS – Kinder – 5th grade
7:00 – 8:00 pm – Jr. Youth/Youth/Adult Bible Study